
'Xoteric is a made-up word. But 'exoteric' is a real word, meaning: 'intended for or likely to be understood by the general public'.

So 'xoteric' is the opposite of 'esoteric', which means: 'intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest'.

I aim to make my communications xoteric. I want to be understood. Most of us do. 

But it isn't easy. Saying what you think can't always be done directly.
That's why we use devices such as analogy and metaphor in our speaking and writing. 
Artists of all kinds are aiming to express things that can't necessarily be expressed directly.

Here, I want to say some things about modern living as compared to older ways of living. These are on the 'Living somewhat like a peasant' pages on this site. I'll be adding to these pages when I have ideas to express.

On my main website, www.educari.com, I have photographs, links to my movies and other material about my life and thoughts.

Visit  http://www.educari.com

You can contact me at xoteric@educari.com